I didn't think- I just jumped

I didn't think- I just jumped

I didn’t think, I just jumped….turns out it was the best move ever. 

Here is a little secret that many people don’t give me enough credit for... is my business mind. 

Most people only see the girl who goofs off, acts silly, is loyal AF, likes to eat, and pretends she has a clean home. (hey, back off - miracles can happen)

However, I actually have a pretty smart head on my shoulders. Thanks for all the on the job training from my corporate job. 

personal development, life, career,

Did 2020 Hijack Your Fitness Goals-Let's Wrap Em up

Did 2020 Hijack Your Fitness Goals-Let's Wrap Em up

I think it is safe to say that 2020 was a year that many people were focused on their health.

Were you?  

While many people were busy social distancing and stockpiling, many people overlooked other health conditions, zoned out or skipped their workouts altogether,  rationalized work-at-home snacking, and saw their stress levels skyrocket. 

personal development, life coach, mindset, health and wellness, life,

Stop Seeking Approval From The Outside World

Stop Seeking Approval From The Outside World

Do you serve or volunteer out of a place of wanting to help or because of a nudge forcing you to do it? For fear of saying no?  Even more importantly are you serving because you are looking for a place to fit in or are you seeking approval? 

I know for me, it was the latter. I was constantly saying yes to people when I really wanted to say no. But the fear of letting people down bothered me. Then there was me trying to find my place to fit-in. And lastly only because I hate to admit it I was seeking approval from other people.  

relationships, life

Stop Chasing Numbers - You are More Than A Number

Stop Chasing Numbers  - You are More Than A Number

I want to talk about chasing numbers and how we especially as women need to stop chasing numbers. 

To start the number on that scale it doesn't define who you are. It's just a number and that number can change daily. Numbers on a scale are different for everybody.

mom life, raising kids,

Why Mess Is Such a Trigger

Why Mess Is Such a Trigger

Our brains love order. 

Science proves that our surroundings have a major impact on our mood. Including our stress levels. Everything from lighting to smells, even noise, and the temperature contribute to our mood. 

It makes sense that being surrounded by order or organization gives us a sense of control. For some of us, this is why being in a messy environment is a major trigger for us. 

mindset, relationships, home
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