Oh Sweet Child Of Mine

Oh Sweet Child Of Mine
Oh sweet child of mine....

Walking into Walmart one afternoon Darcee dragged me over to the bikes to tell me a something. 

Her thought process was that in the 90's when people didn't have cars they used those cute little pouches to carrying all their items in. 

Oh where did I go wrong with her!



As the snow outside finally begins to melt, many people are excited for the return to normal life. However, this author is feeling quite the opposite. They express how they will miss the slow days, the time to relax and indulge in hobbies like puzzles, and the opportunity to cook full meals for their family. They reflect on how they didn't realize how much they were craving rest until they were forced to slow down. Now that the snow is melting, they are not ready to return to full schedules and are secretly hoping for another "weather" closure to enjoy one more day of peace. They are determined to hold on to the peace they experienced during the snowpocalypse as they navigate the journey back into the real world

I Misheard What She Needed

I Misheard What She Needed
Darcee climbed up and wanted to Snuggle. 
She sat there for several minutes.  
Here is how our conversation went
Darcee- I needed this


A Little Chore Humor

A Little Chore Humor
A little humor from Darcee 
Darcee wanted some extra time on her electronics yesterday. My response to that was, empty and fill the dishwasher. And then we will talk. 
Darcee throws her ams up in the air and with a puff of frustration looks at me and says....


Birthday Dinner 2023

Birthday Dinner 2023
Still celebrating that birthday..

Darcee wanted to take me out to eat for my birthday and tonight was the first night we could get away.

She decided on Amigos...on my birthday, she got to pick the restaurant 

We ordered our food, she ordered a sweet tea and I had water.

When she was done eating she was anxiously waiting for the check to arrive. It was a mix of excitement....sweet and scary.

She saw how much the check was and fished the money out of her purse with zero hesitation. She was so proud of herself.

The whole way home I kept figuring out new ways to tell her how sweet and thoughtful dinner with her was.

First thing she says to Delilah when she walks in the door with some panic in her voice...

I paid over $30 for that dinner. 

Needless to say Darcee has realized how expensive eating out is. Maybe now she will want to eat at home more often.
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