Dreams Really Do Come True

Dreams Really Do Come True

It all started almost 2 years ago.

The original idea started out as a UPS store.
Because I needed the services UPS offered.
I was tired of driving over the mountain, 45 minutes to an hour each way. 
Let’s not even mention the amount of excess spending money in making the trip.

After several phone calls with UPS the idea kept getting put aside. Something didn't feel right.

Several months later, we revisited the idea of a UPS store. But this time a store inside a store. We had so many meetings and phone calls. But something still felt off. Once again, the UPS store was thrown to the side.

In the meantime I needed digital fingerprints for a contract job. The location that could get me in the fastest was in Athens, TN, an hour plus drive. You gotta do what you gotta do, so off Curtis and I went. 

We arrived at our destination and it happened to be a shipping center that housed the digital fingerprint company and many other business related services.That is where we were introduced to the Postal Annex concept. Curtis fell in love, I was more on the reserved side. Seriously, I was just there to get my fingerprints done for a job.  Remember we hadn't had much luck with UPS, why would this be any different. 

None of that mattered… Timing wasn't right, and the postal annex idea kinda fell off to the side.

Several weeks or months later, who remembers, at this point, I needed my digital fingerprints taken again for another contractor job. Once again, off to Athens we go, because they can get me in the fastest. Big surprise Curtis still loves the idea, and spoke to the owner FOREVER. On the bright side, he was entertained while I was getting my fingerprints done. 

When we arrived home he began to dig around for more information about the company, pulling numbers, talking to other franchise owners.

As the story goes…at the time life was too busy and crazy. So again, the idea was put off.

Last January, the idea of a Postal Annex kept popping up in my mind, multiple times. I have no idea why, it was becoming a little annoying, life was pretty settled for us. After several weeks, we were sitting around the living room talking about what 2023 would hold for us. I finally told Curits, I think we need to revisit this idea, it keeps popping into my head, I have no idea why, other than I think there may be something to this idea.

And that is all she wrote. I think as soon as the words rolled out of my mouth Curtis was pulling out the franchise agreement for me to sign.

Curtis took off, doing all the boring phone calls, pulling all the business data together, crunching all the numbers, making all the calls to other franchise owners. And the next thing I know in May of 2023 we were franchise owners.

2023 was a freaking roller coaster full of twists and turns, highs and lows. Major life altering events. And when I say, the timing for this project couldn’t have been any worse. I mean that. But for some reason this was the time the idea stuck. 

When I sit back and look at how the year played out, I can see where God shined and where I dimmed his light, because I knew better. (One day I might learn he knows better than I) 

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