In the money world, the word appreciation refers to the increase in value. Now apply the principle to your people. When you learn to appreciate your people well their value and worth increases. Leaving you with a valuable assest.
One easy way to add value to your people is to…Stop saying I appreciate you - that is a generic boring statement. That statement is insulting and thoughtless. Your people deserve better. They deserve brand name recognition.
I appreciate you - is over used and rarely said with intentionality anymore. Many speak without emotion or eye contact, sounding like a robot.
When people use that line on me, I cringe. It feels a lot like toxic positivity. There aren’t many things worse than someone telling you they appreciate you when they have no idea what you just did.
Turn your generic statement into a high value statement by adding the why. Tell your people what they did that makes you appreciate them. Spend a few moments and exert some effort in choosing your words. Invest in your people!
Your people will notice the change. They will match your words with your actions. The energy in the room will change. You may even gain some respect.
Your people are your fortune. If you can not invest in them, you have nothing.
Try investing in at least one person today.

The problem with lies -
You have to keep up with the story you presented.
At first it may not seem like a big deal. However it is the details that always break you.
You can not create stories always presenting yourself as the hero. Hiding or misrepresenting the details of your past is a dangerous game.

Break my heart once shame on you.
Break my heart twice shame on me.
Break my heart three times - that will not be.

When the word intimacy comes up, most people automatically think of a physical or sexual relationship.
However, when we look at what the word intimacy means, we can see that multiple types of relationships fall into that category. The most overlooked type is the emotional connection.
At the core, the word simple means being close, personal association, or belonging to.

The more I studied what the words inner child meant, the more I can admit that we all have an inner child that needs healing. And your inner child will continue to grow and need continuing comfort and soothing throughout your life. Your inner child never outgrows you.
Instead, your inner child grows because of you!