Break My Heart

Break My Heart
Break my heart once shame on you.

Break my heart twice shame on me. 

Break my heart three times - that will not be.


You Are Stronger Than You Think

You Are Stronger Than You Think
While we may not have the same physical strength as Popeye, our mental and emotional strength is unparalleled. The only reason we doubt our own power is because we measure ourselves against someone else's struggles, forgetting that they are not our own. Instead, the post encourages us to focus on what we have already overcome and face our fears head-on with confidence and a smile. It's time to embrace our true strength and do the things that scare us.

Do I need to grieve?

Do I need to grieve?

Grief has gotten a bad name. We often only associate the grief emotion when someone has passed away. However we technically grieve many different things. We just don't call it grieving, or we just ignore it all together. 

There are over 43 different types of grief aka loss, that we should be dealing with.


When Anger is A Problem

When Anger is A Problem

Anger is a feeling. Typically anger indicates a build up of frustration. This frustration can come from multiple things. 

  • Not Being Seen 
  • Not Being Taken Serious 
  • Not Being Able To Speak Up For One's Self
  • Not Being Able To Communicate Your Needs 
The List could go on and on, but I feel like you get the picture. 

We also get angry at ourselves when we feel guilty.  When we feel the need for punishment. Sometimes we shift the focus and blame our actions on other people when in reality it was our fault to begin with.

relationships, emotions,

Normalize Mental Health

Normalize Mental Health

Can we please for the love of human mankind, Normalize mental health. 

I am so tired of hearing kids suffer with this problem. A problem that oftentimes we have the opportunity to course correct. 

We as adults don’t talk about our emotions and feelings. Which not only hurts us,(that’s a whole other subject.) But harms our children more so. 

Teenagers, hell people in general, don’t feel like they can seek or ask for help for fear of being teased, called weak, or people thinking they are crazy. When in reality talking to someone is the best self-care there is. 

health and wellness, family, emotions,
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