If you have a hard time making time to take care of yourself, I have a few suggestions for you to upgrade your self care routine this year.
I prioritize others’ needs over my own. I mistakenly believed generosity would guarantee affection. Sadly, I have learned the hard way, multiple times, that is not true.

Want to take back control of your life? Ditch your digital calendar.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ability to have my calendar at my fingertips. Having the capability of seeing everything that is going on is convenient. And a nuance.
Let me give you 3 reasons to switch and if you're still not convinced, keep your digital calendar. '

If you are looking for a way to reconnect to your body, I suggest trying to sync your life with your menstrual cycle. This concept can also help if you are looking to increase your energy.
The concept is basic, no need to odo it. Or need to know it all.
As a woman, we know all too well about our “monthly visitor.”

On the days where it feels too hard to face the world, just do one thing.
Get up, and change your clothes - get out of your pajamas, sleep clothes, or lounge clothes.
Stand in the shower - no need to wash your body or hair. Just stand under the water.

Today was just what we needed. A short day at work and then a day at home resting.
What I have come to learn is that resting isn't always about doing nothing.
Sometimes resting looks like taking a nap, binge watching tv, reading a book, soaking in a bath, or sleeping all afternoon on the couch.
Read more...What I have come to learn is that resting isn't always about doing nothing.
Sometimes resting looks like taking a nap, binge watching tv, reading a book, soaking in a bath, or sleeping all afternoon on the couch.