On The Hard Days

On The Hard Days
On the days where it feels too hard to face the world, just do one thing. 

Get up, and change your clothes - get out of your pajamas, sleep clothes, or lounge clothes. 

Stand in the shower - no need to wash your body or hair. Just stand under the water. 


A Day of Rest

A Day of Rest
Today was just what we needed. A short day at work and then a day at home resting.

What I have come to learn is that resting isn't always about doing nothing.

Sometimes resting looks like taking a nap, binge watching tv, reading a book, soaking in a bath, or sleeping all afternoon on the couch.

A Great Day

A Great Day
Don't let the world put fomo in your head. 

It is OK to rest and just be. There will be another pretty day.

Today was a great day to...
Soak up some sun
Breath in some fresh air
Go on a hike
Catch up on yard work
Plant some flowers

Self-Care 101 - Pamper Yourself

Self-Care 101 - Pamper Yourself
Go ahead… treat yourself to a little pampering! 

There is an old saying you can't pour from an empty cup and that is so true. 

You have to refill your inner self before you can continue to give your best to others.
self-love, relationships,

Self-Love 101 - Speaking Positive Affirmations

Self-Love 101 - Speaking Positive Affirmations
The mind is a powerful thing. We don’t always realize the impact our thoughts can have.
 When you look in the mirror, what thoughts come to mind? Do you find the flaws and focus on them? 
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