Pass The Damn Kleenex's

Pass The Damn Kleenex's

When was the last time you had a really good cry?

I am talking about that ugly cry that you save for when you are by yourself. Ya know the one where you are crying uncontrollably. Crying so hard you can’t catch your breath. The tears are falling so fast they could fill up a swimming pool.

emotions, feelings,

Have The Hard Conversations

Have The Hard Conversations
Have the hard conversations. Even when we think we know what the other is feeling, oftentimes we don't.

In this day and time, we are all some hustle and bustle. But are we making time to have the hard conversations? Or do you just shove those conversations to the side, because there is always something more important to do?

relationships, talks

I'm Tired

I'm Tired

To put it simply I am tired. 

We have been home for 28 days. 28 days where we have little to none interaction with the outside world. 

I am emotional and mentally tired. I am not just processing my own stress and anxiety. But helping my three children to work through their own emotions. As well, continue to build my business, homeschool my kids, and still manage this house. All while trying to keep life as normal as possible. The work has taken its toll on me. I am tired. 

I can’t be the only person who is struggling. But maybe I need to be the first to admit it. 

It has been 8 months since I have suffered from an anxiety attack. I really thought I was past them. 

That was until that faint pain was felt in my chest. Next, my heartbeat began speeding up. Followed by not being able to breathe deeply, almost gasping for air. Ending with a huge emotional cry for what felt like no reason. The whole time fighting the attack and not acknowledging what was happening. 

If I admitted I was having another anxiety attack that meant I wasn’t in control. The anxiety attack meant that I wasn’t placing my faith in something bigger than me. Admitting that I had another anxiety attack meant I was weak. It symbolized a failure in my mind. There were moments I was able to reel in my emotions. Only for them to reappear with more vengeance. 

I made plans for the weekend included dying Easter eggs, possibly an egg hunt. I wanted to play outside all day on Saturday. I knew Sunday would be full of rain and storms. We need as much vitamin D as we can get right now. 

Instead, my weekend looked very different. I struggled emotionally and mentally for the whole weekend.

Every time I heard my children or husband call my name, I cringed. Whenever someone looked my way, I cringed more. I knew what was coming, someone wanted something from me. As I mentioned above I am tired. I am drained. I just want to be left alone. But not really. Do you understand what I mean? 

I am not physically tired but rather emotional and mentally tired. I need some time away to recharge. Many people think that sounds horrible. If you are that person I am sorry. But that is the truth and I am not ashamed to admit it. I am at my breaking point. 

Please, do not get me wrong. I love my people dearly. They are a huge part of my world. But loving other people takes its toll on me. 

I keep my emotions intact. I do not trust easily. I question everything. I take nothing at face value. I keep everyone at a safe distance. I do not show my emotions for fear that you will use them against me. I do not feel many emotions because that would mean I need to connect. And sometimes life is too much and/or too hard. I totally need my own time to process and deal with emotions. 

Back to Easter weekend…

So this Easter looked very different for us. There was no Easter egg hunt. No dying Easter eggs. No dressing up and going to church. 

Instead, we spent Saturday sitting out in the sun, soaking up some Vitamin D. Allowing our bare feet to touch the ground. Reading yet again another book. Playing yet another game of UNO. All while trying to keep everyone in their own corner of the yard. 

I am tired. I need a break. I need someone else to take the reins for a while. But since there is no one else. Let me buckle up my boots, put a smile on my face and get back at it. 

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emotional health

Give yourself a little Grace!

Give yourself a little Grace!
How different would your life look if you gave yourself half as much Grace as you give others? A little love, some compassion, and umm forgiveness. Have you ever considered the fact that you don’t give yourself enough Grace? We are living in a world that is full of not enough.  The consequence of that though, is we stop trying. We shut down. Or worse, we begin to diminish the qualities that make us unique. Simply put, we quit letting our own light shine. Stop. We need all the lights we can get. Otherwise, we will end up living in a  dark world. How scary will that be? 

Numero uno - you need to love yourself enough to fight for what you want. I am not saying go out and be ugly to other humans. What I am saying is, you need to adjust your eyes and focus on your own life and your own goals. Yes, you have made mistakes in the past. Probably terrible mistakes, but who hasn’t? Those moments do not control your future... unless you allow them to. Forgive yourself and move on. Don’t allow yourself to drown in your own self-pity. Grace, people. Why can we give Grace to others, yet when it comes to yourself it is like all of a sudden there is a shortage? Wake up, people, there is no shortage.  

Here is the reality of your situation... You are one-of-a-kind. You are priceless. Absolutely, unapologetically, unique.  No one on this planet can ever be you! Many can mimic, but no one will succeed. 

Quit worrying about what others think about you. That's not your problem. I know that is hard, we all want to be liked. Quit fearing the outcome of every situation. Heck, I can’t count how many hours I have wasted spending energy on problems that never happen. #tonsofhours - Did you know a study shows that 80% of those problems never happen?  Can you even imagine the obstacles you could conquer if you quit holding yourself back? Quit allowing fear to control your mind. Nike hit the nail on the head with 'Just Do It'. Quit doubting your ability to accomplish things. Give yourself a little grace when things don’t work out as you planned. You are worth every ounce of grace you need. 

I have done a lot of personal development over the months and the topic that keeps popping up is, my life starts and ends with me. No one else makes decisions about my life. All I mean by that is, every decision I make is mine to make. If I choose to sit back and watch others work their tails off while I play, that’s on me. If I am too scared to approach someone and talk to them, that’s on me. No one else. My life, my choice. Quit blaming others for outcomes you created or allowed to play out. 

The best gift you can give your future self is to work on you. Figure out what it is that you need in order to believe that you are worthy. Learn to love yourself as much as you love others. Start planting some seeds in your heart and mind so that by the time you are ready to change your seeds are ready to bloom. After a long drought, it takes a long time to rehydrate the ground with the right nutrients plants need in order to bloom to their fullest potential. Fill in the cracks with some love, kindness, and grace. 

From our family to your family this Thanksgiving Season, I hope and pray that you have the best Thanksgiving ever! My favorite holiday ever -Family, Friends, Food and Football. No other expectations. It is all about the food. I am grateful for the time we get to hang together and pray that my words bless you!


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personal development, self reflection, mindset

Wanna Chase a Rainbow?

Wanna Chase a Rainbow?
Do you feel like you have a black cloud always hanging over your head? As if everyday your life is filled with heartache and pain. Like you take a couple of steps forward only to get knocked back
mindset, personal development
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