“There’s always a way . . . if you’re committed.”
I love this quote from Tony Robbins, the bestselling author of Unlimited Power. It gives us hope for a bigger, brighter future. But it also comes with a warning: you gotta stay on task.
If you’ve been following my posts recently, you’ve already decided what you want in life . . . and you’ve researched the steps to get there.

Maybe too hard to handle (JK) but never too hard to love.
Just because someone in your life or past wasn't able to figure out how to love you the way you needed to be loved doesn’t mean you are not loveable.

What does it take to achieve the things you want in life? Have you thought about it?
More importantly, have you done the research?
For example, a lot of people say they want to buy a boat. But they haven’t gathered even the most basic information of what it’s like to be a boat owner.

You get what you focus on.
You’ve heard that advice, right?
It reminds us that, to begin living the life we really want, we have to start doing those things that will get us there.