You Don't Impress Me Much

You Don't Impress Me Much
I am not going to pretend I understand the idea and fasicantion with February 14th. 

 People idoilze a day that someone deemed an important day to shower your “loved” ones with expensive gifts. Those gifts somehow symolize the love you have for each other? 


Not Today - Yes Today

Not Today - Yes Today
This is my response to a post one of my sisters made. For context her post was in regards to learning a family member passed away. Followed by a coworkers passing a few hours later. 

What Are You Waiting For

What Are You Waiting For
Do you sometimes feel that the more effort you put in, the farther you are from your desired destination? 

Does this sound like you? 
I am tired. I will start tomorrow. 
I will be happy when I lose 20 pounds. 
Life will be easier when no longer struggle to pay our bills. 
I hate my job, I will be less stressed when I land my new job. 
Once I finish this project, I can be present. 
I need this degree or certification before I can.


Happy Quitter's Day

Happy Quitter's Day
Happy quitter’s day!

The second Friday in January is known as National Quitter Day in regards to New Year Resolutions. 

Why did society choose January 1st to mark the new year, and why is it considered ideal for personal change? Winter “New Year”: Whose idea was that? 


Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask and You Shall Receive
I am a firm believer you learn lessons when you are ready to accept the outcome. He prepares the way but uiltimately you have to take the lead. Also, you never know who will open your eyes. This story is an encounter I had while buying groceries at our local Publix. 

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