Go barefoot

Go barefoot

Stressed? Anxiety high? Tensions high?

Did you know that by allowing your bare feet to touch the ground it is a calming method.


How To Make Your Own Granola Balls

How To Make Your Own Granola Balls

Homemade granola balls DONE! Less than 10 minutes. The best part is I pick the ingredients that go in.

The joy of having a child with a tree nut allergy is you HAVE to get creative with the food options. If you want any resemblance of healthy eating habits in their diets.

snacks, breakfast

Uncharted Waters

Uncharted Waters
For many of us, we are living in uncharted waters. We have never lived through so much chaos and confusion.

Corn Beef Egg Rolls

Corn Beef Egg Rolls

We ate a restaurant that had Corn Beef Egg Rolls on the menu. Curtis HAD to try them. Well, I am glad he ordered them because they were good. 


Curtis suggested that I try to make them at home so our kids could try them. How hard could it be? How hard could it be, he says? Funny, that is what I always say to him about projects. Dang it, I hate it when my own words are used against me. 

snacks, dinner

Relationships can't be measured

Relationships can't be measured
Not everything in life can be measured in dollars. There is no value that you can put on a person. Much less that relationship.

In a world where we base all our decisions on how much something costs and needing a certain amount of ROI, return on investment. Consider this for me.

What price tag would you put on any of the following scenarios?

A phone call touches a lost soul.
A smile fills a broken heart. Even if it was short-lived.
A card in the mail brightens someone's day.
A simple text says I am thinking about you.
A hug or handshake for the one silently struggling.
The causal wave that says, yes I see you.
The way making eye contact with someone makes them feel seen.

You can't begin to imagine a fair price. Each of these scenarios has a different value based upon the receiver.

Stacks of coinsMastercard hit the nail on the head with the Marketing tagline, Priceless. I wonder if the marketing department knew the gold mine they hit with that tagline.

Next time you think taking action isn’t worth the investment, err on the side of caution and do it anyways. You may never know the full impact of that one action. But if you made one person feel loved or seen, isn't that worth it?

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