You Are Seen

You Are Seen

The emptiness is real. The heartache cuts deep. The loneliness feels like abandonment. The tears flow freely. There is no longer any room for me.  

Do the words relate to you at all? Have you ever felt that way? 

I know I have. But here’s the thing I have learned... all that chatter starts in your head and is plain nonsense. That is the devil playing mind games with you. And if YOU allow him to keep talking to you that way, he has won the battle. You gave him the power to win.


My Takeaways From The Beach

My Takeaways From The Beach
Are you still sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun? Girl, stop! Get up and stop living your life for you. 

There are two types of people in the world.

1) can't enjoy what is right in front of them for fear of what others think.
2) you spend all your time making that "perfect" video or picture to impress other people, who don't care. You miss out on all the fun.
self-care, thoughts, emotions, Gulf Shores

Pass The Damn Kleenex's

Pass The Damn Kleenex's

When was the last time you had a really good cry?

I am talking about that ugly cry that you save for when you are by yourself. Ya know the one where you are crying uncontrollably. Crying so hard you can’t catch your breath. The tears are falling so fast they could fill up a swimming pool.

emotions, feelings,

Go barefoot

Go barefoot

Stressed? Anxiety high? Tensions high?

Did you know that by allowing your bare feet to touch the ground it is a calming method.



Here we are 3 days into the New Year and a total blowout just occurred. I feel like a hit a patch of black ice and I am sliding all over the place. Out of control. Ready to throw the keys into the unknown and be done. But what is that going to help? Nothing. It will only delay me more. 

I could go into the details of the blowout but then no one else could relate. And where is the fun in that? There is this impression that I can handle any road that I choose to travel. And that just isn’t the case. I prefer the smooth paved road, just as much as everyone else. But if I go off-road you better bet I am going to find my way back to the pavement.

A decision was made that altered my plans to my destination. I had no indications that my journey was about to derail. There were no warning signs. No check engine light flashed. No tire pressure signal. No ding to let me know I was low on gas. (That’s all I got y’all, I hope you got the picture.) 

Basically like a complete blow out of one of my tire. I am now running on a rim and three good tires. Can you relate? Do you know what I am talking about? Tired, Discouraged, Frustrated, Defeated, the list can go on...  

Here is the beauty in the journey.

You have two main options. 1) you can either get out, change your tire and get back on the road to your destination (#goals) OR 2) you can sit there inside your car and pout that things didn’t work out for you. Waste all your time and energy on this one moment. Lose your focus and momentum. Basically, slash your other three tires so you can never reach your destination. 

Personally, I would call AAA. Then, in the hour it takes for them to get to me, cry my eyes out. So that when my new tire is in place, I can get back in the driver's seat and peel out of here. This location is where dreams flourish or die. And I am not ready to see my goals die. 

So are you going to change your tire or sit there and slash your other three tires?

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