All month long, we’ve been talking about the power of focus.
But did you know that staying focused on achieving your goals takes discipline?
Discipline is doing what must be done—even if you don’t want to at that moment. It’s battling through the daily grind and putting in the extra hours. But it’s also doing things consistently—like eating the right foods, practicing those new skills, or saving something every month for retirement.

Do you ever find yourself, ready for bed, feeling like you burned up the phone lines connecting with family and friends all day?
I know I do.
In unsettling times like these, it’s comforting to have that emotional support system. But have you ever wondered who you might call to help you with your most important life goals?

Your life was designed to be unique, compelling . . . exceptional.
And by taking action to achieve your OolaLife, it can be.
It’s your time to pursue the greatness that’s within you.
Of course, one bonus outcome you may not have considered before is how much just the pursuit of greatness will change you as a person. You’ll learn new skills, meet new contacts, and gain new wisdom. No one can take away who you become as a result of pursuing your goals.

What would YOUR daily 3x5 card look like?
If you find it’s filled with tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goals, it’s time to reassess your priorities.
Only by prioritizing can you free up time and energy to be in serious action on goals that matter.