The Power Of Showing Up

The Power Of Showing Up
Sometimes there are no "right" words to say.

We spent so much energy trying to find the "right" thing to say we miss the opportunity to just be.

Instead of looking for words, comfort may look like..

Just being present enough.
A gentle touch that says I see you.
Shared tears
Hugging one another
Leaning on each other
Laughter through the pain

Never underestimate the power of you just showing up! And not saying a word! 
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You Can't Coach from the Couch

You Can't Coach from the Couch
No one will ever take you serious if they never see you doing the things that you say are saying need to be done. 

Done are the day of — Do as I say not as I do. 

You are going to have to get up off the couch and get into the game if you want to be noticed, much less taken seriously. 


The truth about gratitude

The truth about gratitude
Look anywhere and the answer people give you to have a happier life is easy. You simply need to be grateful and find more gratitude in your life.

Even all the “Gurus” will tell you that—Gratitude is the answer to all your problems.

My issue with this philosophy is the people usually offering this advice only repeat what they know, or remember hearing. And leave off the most valuable piece of advice. 


You are worthy

You are worthy
Hell Yes!!!!!

Even if you can't recite Bible verses
Even if you can't name the books of the Bible
Even if you have never stepped foot into a church


I burned the damn onions!

I burned the damn onions!

While cooking dinner tonight I burned the damn onions. Not because onions are hard to cook, but because I was trying to do too much at once. 

Sound familiar? 

While I was cooking the meat and heating up the veggies, I loaded the dishwasher and wiped down the counters. I can’t stand cooking in a cluttered kitchen. 

Everything was going well. 

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