Don't become consumed in building a legacy to leave for your family that you forget the best legacy you can give them is your time, energy, and love.
Peace out May. You have been an emotional roller coaster. I am leaving you in the dust and making room for some rest and peace in June.
To put my month into perspective…

his was definitely not the Christmas I had planned BUT today was the Christmas we needed.
Zero Christmas parties
Zero Christmas cookies/baking
Very little decorating
Even less Pre-Christmas shopping
Santa had to send all her eleves out to do Christmas shopping and package pickup.
Everyone had to jump in and wrap each other's presents. And even get a little creative when one of Darcees presents wouldn't arrive on time.
Zero Christmas parties
Zero Christmas cookies/baking
Very little decorating
Even less Pre-Christmas shopping
Santa had to send all her eleves out to do Christmas shopping and package pickup.
Everyone had to jump in and wrap each other's presents. And even get a little creative when one of Darcees presents wouldn't arrive on time.

Even with all the hiccups, this will probably be one of my favorite Christmases ever. Seeing everyone come together and keep the "magic" was priceless.
I won't wish being sick the week of Christmas on anyone but it helps put life in perspective.
Merry Christmas ✌️

Are you watching for them?
I believe someone, (God, Universe, Spirit, Source) gifted us with the ability to see signs. Or messages, if you will.
Today I was supposed to be in Nashville with my friends and Oola family. Intentionally deciding on what areas of my life I desire to focus on next year.
Instead, this year, I will stand beside my dad today as he says goodbye to the love of his life one last time. A love that is better than any Disney Princess story ever told.
And yes we know...
She is already in a better place.
She is with us always and forever in our hearts.
This is what I find interesting about this past week. Or several weeks, if I am being honest.
A concept that I have struggled with is just being.
Being present. My mind goes 100 mph, most of the time. And it is exhausting. I stay in planning or managing mode. Wondering what my next move is? Or the next 10 moves.
This past week, however, I chose to slow down and be present. In doing so, I could see so many signs/messages that everything was working out in due time.
I am a stubborn learner. I sometimes need to learn things the "hard" way in order for them to stick with me. So I find it interesting that the biggest take away I have learned is to slow down and be present. The very weekend I was supposed to be deciding on how to spend my time next year.
If you are one of the lucky people who can learn from others' mistakes, then my suggestion to you is...
Put your phone down and get to know the people around you.
Look to the sky...unless you're the one driving.
Turn off the tv and talk.
Laugh and then laugh some more.
Food brings people together.
Be still, listen to the messages coming through to your heart & soul.
I challenge you to slow down and keep a journal of all the messages, signs, blessings, or gifts you are gifted each day.
I believe someone, (God, Universe, Spirit, Source) gifted us with the ability to see signs. Or messages, if you will.
Today I was supposed to be in Nashville with my friends and Oola family. Intentionally deciding on what areas of my life I desire to focus on next year.
Instead, this year, I will stand beside my dad today as he says goodbye to the love of his life one last time. A love that is better than any Disney Princess story ever told.
And yes we know...
She is already in a better place.
She is with us always and forever in our hearts.
This is what I find interesting about this past week. Or several weeks, if I am being honest.
A concept that I have struggled with is just being.
Being present. My mind goes 100 mph, most of the time. And it is exhausting. I stay in planning or managing mode. Wondering what my next move is? Or the next 10 moves.
This past week, however, I chose to slow down and be present. In doing so, I could see so many signs/messages that everything was working out in due time.
I am a stubborn learner. I sometimes need to learn things the "hard" way in order for them to stick with me. So I find it interesting that the biggest take away I have learned is to slow down and be present. The very weekend I was supposed to be deciding on how to spend my time next year.
If you are one of the lucky people who can learn from others' mistakes, then my suggestion to you is...
Put your phone down and get to know the people around you.
Look to the sky...unless you're the one driving.
Turn off the tv and talk.
Laugh and then laugh some more.
Food brings people together.
Be still, listen to the messages coming through to your heart & soul.
I challenge you to slow down and keep a journal of all the messages, signs, blessings, or gifts you are gifted each day.