The path that connects our two houses together, and gives the children a safe way to walk between the two.
The path that leads to the home made swing set under the big tree. Built with love and the hands of an 80 year old man who loved you dearly, grandaddy.
Break my heart once shame on you.
Break my heart twice shame on me.
Break my heart three times - that will not be.
As the snow outside finally begins to melt, many people are excited for the return to normal life. However, this author is feeling quite the opposite. They express how they will miss the slow days, the time to relax and indulge in hobbies like puzzles, and the opportunity to cook full meals for their family. They reflect on how they didn't realize how much they were craving rest until they were forced to slow down. Now that the snow is melting, they are not ready to return to full schedules and are secretly hoping for another "weather" closure to enjoy one more day of peace. They are determined to hold on to the peace they experienced during the snowpocalypse as they navigate the journey back into the real world
Read more...Don't become consumed in building a legacy to leave for your family that you forget the best legacy you can give them is your time, energy, and love.