On my way to the store one morning, I observed a cow pushing its head through a barbed-wire fence to get a taste of the lush grass on the other side.
I laughed out loud and wondered to myself if that cow realizes he has access to acres upon acres of green grass right behind him. A simple turn grants him limitless access. Yet his focus is on what he doesn’t have. He risks self-harm, choosing this method instead of taking advantage of what is already his. All to taste what is outside his reach.
It then struck me. We do the same thing.
Instead of being grateful for what we have, we look to our right and left to see what we are missing out on. Our desperate need to have all the things, distracts us from what we have. Our focus remains on our shortcomings. This is where we get hurt. We act out of lack instead of intention and abundance. We have 100’s of opportunities surrounding us daily. Yet, we fixate on the wrong ones and blind our view of the abundance sit before us.
This year my hope for you is too, stay focused and appreciate what you already have. Stop comparing what you have, or don’t have, to someone else’s life. Stop complaining about what you lack. Look around. You definitely have an abundance of all the right things. You are getting lost in the weeds by staring at what someone else has. Losing valuable time to enjoy this life that was given to you.
Don’t be like the cow! Enjoy your own field.