I reached the point where I knew things had to change.
I was tired of…
making excuses.
trying to keep up.
not having time for the people important to me.
not having the energy to do things just for me.
I was ready to embrace this balanced lifestyle.
I worked hard at letting things go, while trying to balance all the things. Strangely, I am more tired and drained than when I began pursuing a balanced life.
I kept searching for the answers. Why did others achieve balance while I’m trapped in burnout?
One morning when I was at the end of my rope, I dropped to the floor and just screamed. Why can’t I have this balanced lifestyle?
At that moment, I recognized the problem…the word balance.
The word balance is a trigger word. When I hear the word balance, my mind automatically pictures a balance. One similar to what you would use in science class. (if you are lucky enough to have science class)

Now that we have the visual part. Let’s talk about the definition of balance.
*a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
*an even distribution of weight
I spent years trying to figure out how to make my life balanced. How can I evenly distribute important tasks in my daily or weekly routine? How do they balance each other out?
I spent more money than I care to admit on coaching programs and courses in the personal development arena. The answer existed; I had to discover it.
That day n the floor I saw the sign. I could finally make sense of what a balanced lifestyle looked like.
I had to quit taking the word literally. I needed to shift how I viewed the word balance.
I realized I couldn’t give everything in my life equal time and attention.
I do not remember where I saw this quote, but helped tremendously in shifting how I use the word balance in my daily life. I hope it helps you create a more balanced lifestyle as well.
Balance - when what is important to you makes it into your day. Unknown.
By using this line daily, you will feel better, happier, and make time for what’s important. That is your balanced lifestyle. Not a myth that everything deserves the same amount of time or energy.