Can we quit bragging about how resilient people are? We learn a new word and we want to incorprate that word into our vocabulary, yet oftentimes we don’t understand the meaning of the word. Only that it is a new ‘hot word”
Here are a few words you may be hearing a lot of: resilient, gaslighting, projecting, narcasstic.
The word I am currently stuck on is resilient. I am tired of hearing: look at how resisilent they are. Kids are resislent humans, they bounce back quickly. There also seems to be comparison about how resislent others are, and maybe even a little enyv in how people assume someone is resislent.
Here are questions I pose to you about resiliency.
1) are they actually being resilient or are they suppressing?
definition: able to withstand or RECOVER quickly from difficult conditions.
2)Imagine one person’s journey to learn resilience.
3) Do they have someone in their life teaching them healthy coping skills…HEADS UP - AVOIDANCE - IS NOT HEALTHY!!
4) Suck it up - is not helpful. And neither is asking one to ignore thier feelings and to instead have compassion for the one doing the harm.
5) We need to display balance and care when suggesting people shift their attention away from how they feel. Often times we encourage others to focus on other people feelings. We need to ensure we are not suggesting that any one persons feelings are more important than another.
6) Check your own behavior. Are you resilient or suppressing?
Children learn by watching us. When you avoid things, you’re teaching them to avoid too.
Let's do better and break the cycle of suppressing.