Love Your Body, Mama

Love Your Body, Mama

Your body is an amazing machine. 

If you sit back and think about all the functions that are happening at any given time, I don’t see how you can’t be mesmerized. 


Is It True Your Child Will Absorb Your Vibe?

Is It True Your Child Will Absorb Your Vibe?
I believe that your children absorb your vibe. When you are experiencing any emotion your body emits a certain frequency or energy. Stay with me I know you think that sounds crazy.

Every emotion that you can imagine has a certain frequency or vibration in which it processes through your body. Happy emotions vibrate at a higher frequency range and unhappy emotions vibrate very little.
energy transfer, emotions, frequency, vibe,

Learning To Feel Again

Learning To Feel Again

I participated in the Aroma Freedom Technique session or AFT for short. Well, what in the hell does that mean, right?

Here is the abbreviated version. It is an emotional detox. If that satisfies your curiosity then you can stop reading. Otherwise, stay tuned, I will go into more detail. 

emotions, emotional healing, mindset

Let It All Hang Out

Let It All Hang Out
Take this opportunity to teach your kids how to work through their emotions. 

Go barefoot

Go barefoot

Stressed? Anxiety high? Tensions high?

Did you know that by allowing your bare feet to touch the ground it is a calming method.

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