Do you sometimes feel that the more effort you put in, the farther you are from your desired destination?
Does this sound like you?
I am tired. I will start tomorrow.
I will be happy when I lose 20 pounds.
Life will be easier when no longer struggle to pay our bills.
I hate my job, I will be less stressed when I land my new job.
Once I finish this project, I can be present.
I need this degree or certification before I can.
Your focus on tomorrow makes you miss today. Stop waiting to be happy or present when you lose the weight, make more money, find a new job or whatever your excuse is.
Having a clear idea of how you want your life to be is fantastic. Strive to live the life you have while working towards the envisioned version. It is easy to get tangled up in our mind, focusing on the result. When we get caught up, we fail to notice the little things. The little things build life. The little things give us meaning and purpose.
We think satisfaction comes in accomplishing the grand things. What if we overlook the small clues and never achieve the grand things as a result?
I believe it is the mundane tasks that take us from boring everyday life to the grand life we seek.
We learn many skills by doing the small daily task feel like they lead nowhere. Be can slow down and complete tasks with the care they deserve. We stop half ass doing things, just so we can mark something off our list.
Marking things off your list is not a goal to live by. Paying attention to people, caring for your loved ones, making someone feel seen, breaking bread. Those are the actions we need to live for.
Let me offer you this thought.
Why would God or the Universe give you more than you have now if you cannot care for your current possessions? This is where less is more. The less stuff we collect, the more care and attention we can give. Our attention centers on what is important. Allowing us the time and energy to take care of our business.
When we learn what deserves our attention, we accomplish more. When we accomplish more, we feel satisfied. When we feel satisfied, we are less likely to live out of desperation and live more abundantly.
I would rather not picture you pondering where your life went in 5, 10, or 20 years from now. I ask you, what can you do today to live the life you desire?