Break My Heart
Break my heart once shame on you.

Break my heart twice shame on me. 

Break my heart three times - that will not be.

The walls go up
The trust comes down

Now we are back to the begining

The inner child you felt abandoned, unloved, and unworthy finds her place back at the head of the line. 

This time the feelings are magnified 
And her voice is louder

For years she seeked high and low for his love
She did everything she could at her own expense to experience the approval of his love

Now we re back to the begining

Only this go around she walks away with a heavier heart
She lost pieces of herself she isn't sure how to get back 
She lost the ability to trust herself 

All this growth and pain to only end up in the same dark place. 
Searching again for her place in this world. 
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