Do I need to grieve?

Do I need to grieve?

Grief has gotten a bad name. We often only associate the grief emotion when someone has passed away. However we technically grieve many different things. We just don't call it grieving, or we just ignore it all together. 

There are over 43 different types of grief aka loss, that we should be dealing with.


Finding your courageous yes

Finding your courageous yes

Find that courageous yes and Fight for that confident no!

When I first read that statement I was screaming hell yes! But then I had to do a self check and wondered why I typically settle for the wishy washy yes. 

You know what I mean. The yes that you say when you really would rather say no, but for whatever reason you cave and say yes anyways. 

No more! Our time has come to own our decisions and roll with what we decide.

mom life, self-care,

To Hug Or Not to Hug

To Hug Or Not to Hug

Do you force your children to give goodbye hugs, kisses, attention or love to people, EVEN after the child has expressed they do not want to? You can leave your comment at the end of this post. 

Now, to begin with my two older children I can say that I did encourage that behavior, even after they said no, showed no interest, made a huge fuss…. Whatever their reaction was. Mainly because I am from the South and that is just the way it has always been. (insert eye roll

family, relationships, raising kids, emotional health

One Year Later and The Big Change

One Year Later and The Big Change
WOW, the transformation one year makes when you are at the right table. 

Ya know that feeling where you aren't sure if where you are is where you are suppose to be? Like ya just don't "fit" in? And no clue why you feel that way?

I have been there. And if we are being honest still have my days.  


When Anger is A Problem

When Anger is A Problem

Anger is a feeling. Typically anger indicates a build up of frustration. This frustration can come from multiple things. 

  • Not Being Seen 
  • Not Being Taken Serious 
  • Not Being Able To Speak Up For One's Self
  • Not Being Able To Communicate Your Needs 
The List could go on and on, but I feel like you get the picture. 

We also get angry at ourselves when we feel guilty.  When we feel the need for punishment. Sometimes we shift the focus and blame our actions on other people when in reality it was our fault to begin with.

relationships, emotions,
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