Elf on the Shelf 2024 Edition

Elf on the Shelf 2024 Edition
This is the first year in many years that I was excited about the elf on the shelf. 

This is how my life goes. It never fails at the beginning of the month. I am excited, ready to go. A few days in, I forget to move the darn things. Which starts the downward spiral. I end up stressing myself out, becoming resentful over an activity that should be fun and joyful. 


Christmas Saga With Presents

Christmas Saga With Presents
It began years ago with a mom who was overachieving and clueless about what she was getting into.

Our children were perceptive to the things they wanted to pay attention to. Early on, they recognized that “Santa’s” handwriting matched mom’s all too closely. I tapped into my creative spirit and came up with this wonderful idea. 


Is it resilent or suppressing?

Is it resilent or suppressing?
Can we quit bragging about how resilient people are? We learn a new word and we want to incorprate that word into our vocabulary, yet oftentimes we don’t understand the meaning of the word. Only that it is a new ‘hot word”

Here are a few words you may be hearing a lot of: resilient, gaslighting, projecting, narcasstic.


Ditch Your Digital Calendar

Ditch Your Digital Calendar
Want to take back control of your life? Ditch your digital calendar. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love the ability to have my calendar at my fingertips. Having the capability of seeing everything that is going on is convenient. And a nuance. 

Let me give you 3 reasons to switch and if you're still not convinced, keep your digital calendar. '


The Balanced Life Myth

The Balanced Life Myth
I reached the point where I knew things had to change. 
I was tired of…
 making excuses.
 trying to keep up.  
 not having time for the people important to me. 
 not having the energy to do things just for me. 
I was ready to embrace this balanced lifestyle. 

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