Happy Quitter's Day
Happy quitter’s day!

The second Friday in January is known as National Quitter Day in regards to New Year Resolutions. 

Why did society choose January 1st to mark the new year, and why is it considered ideal for personal change? Winter “New Year”: Whose idea was that? 

The dead of winter, when everything is dead or dormant. Dark, gloomy and cold. Of course you are setting yourself up for failure. 

Calendar dates and new years are not always aligned. In other cultures the New Year starts on different dates. Who is right? 
Gregorian New Year- January 1st
Lunar New Year - The date fluctuates based of the moon cycles
Songkarn - Is based off the solar calendar in regards to the location of Pisces to Aries and the sun. 
Nowruz - The first day of Spring. Symbolizing the rebirth of nature. 
Human Design New Year - Later in January 
The Ancient Roman Calendar has the New Year starting in March, closer to Spring. 

I am not stating one date is right or wrong. My point targets we rely on a date on the calendar too much. Instead we follow the signs around us and listen to our intuition more. 

What signs should you be following? Try to follow the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Nature provides direction; heed its guidance. 

Hear me out! 

In winter trees go dormant, and animals hibernate. Winter should be a season of rest. During your period of rest you can ponder what you want your year to look like. You’re slowing down, focusing priorities. Spend time doing things you love, or discovering what you enjoy doing. Make warm soups, read by the fireplace, and stay bundled up under a warm cozy blanket. Use the information you discover in this season to determine how to plan out the rest of your year. 

Spring pops her head out. It makes sense for Spring to be the start of your new year where action takes place. Green grass, budding leaves, returning birds, and blooming flowers signal the season’s change. Life returns to nature. You never wake up in the morning and everything is back to its beautiful colorful state, it takes time. In the spring season start planting seeds based on what you learned in the winter. Enroll in a course, acquire new skills, plant a garden, consult a financial advisor. Start taking action, make a plan, and set those goals. 

Summer is in full swing. The sun is bright and hot. The water is cool and refreshing. Life’s hectic again, yet you remain strong. Right now you are maintaining and nurturing the plans you set up in the Spring. You should still be full of energy and motivation, because you are still in the early stages of working on your goals. You know where your attention needs to go, just focus.

Then fall, comes back around. You are starting to get tired, but are in the home stretch. The evenings get dark sooner encouraging you to slow down. During this season your focus is to start wrapping up your projects. Add the finishing touches. Identify successes and failures. What pursuits interest you, and which ones don’t? Your main goal is to prepare for your winter season. Begin to let go you have been working hard. 

Winter will arrive and you will rest again. 

I choose to pass on picking a new year’s resolution at the beginning of the year. Two months of holiday celebrations, running around to get everything done. I want the rest of the winter months to rest. 

Ignore calendar dates when planning changes. You can start when you are ready. 

Let this be your theme for the coming months.. Quit rest cultivate conquer

Don’t let a date on a calendar dictate your goals follow the seasons. They are given to us for a reason. 

I personally will be waiting until the Spring season to start making big life changes. 

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