Invest In Your People

Invest In Your People
In the money world, the word appreciation refers to the increase in value. Now apply the principle to your people. When you learn to appreciate your people well their value and worth increases. Leaving you with a valuable assest.  

One easy way to add value to your people is to…Stop saying I appreciate you - that is a generic boring statement. That statement is insulting and thoughtless. Your people deserve better. They deserve brand name recognition. 

I appreciate you - is over used and rarely said with intentionality anymore. Many speak without emotion or eye contact, sounding like a robot.

When people use that line on me, I cringe. It feels a lot like toxic positivity. There aren’t many things worse than someone telling you they appreciate you when they have no idea what you just did. 

Turn your generic statement into a high value statement by adding the why. Tell your people what they did that makes you appreciate them. Spend a few moments and exert some effort in choosing your words. Invest in your people!  

Your people will notice the change. They will match your words with your actions. The energy in the room will change. You may even gain some respect. 

Your people are your fortune. If you can not invest in them, you have nothing. 

Try investing in at least one person today. 

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The Path To Happiness

The Path To Happiness
The path that connects our two houses together, and gives the children a safe way to walk between the two. 

The path that leads to the home made swing set under the big tree. Built with love and the hands of an 80 year old man who loved you dearly, grandaddy. 


Reality Is Setting In

Reality Is Setting In
A beautiful and colorful ending to a good day. 

Curtis Haman surprised me, with a night out with our crew. He knows I want to cram a few last minute family memories in before the 2 oldest leave to explore this marvelous world. I am sure he is tired of hearing, "this is the last xxx for awhile". 

I am NOT ok, reality is setting in, my babies are leaving soon. But at least for a few hours, we laughed and had fun. 
And, I won!!
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28 Days To Reconnect To Your Body

28 Days To Reconnect To Your Body
If you are looking for a way to reconnect to your body, I suggest trying to sync your life with your menstrual cycle. This concept can also help if you are looking to increase your energy.

The concept is basic, no need to odo it. Or need to know it all.

As a woman, we know all too well about our “monthly visitor.”


Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey
This afternoon I was working on a project and as I was jotting down my notes, a song came to me. The lyrics kept getting louder and louder in my head. I knew when the article was complete that song suggestion would be the closer. 

I have my playlist rocking on random shuffle and all my favorite pump up songs are playing. As I am finishing up my notes, the very song I was thinking about starts playing off my random shuffle Spotify List! 

I like having control and knowng the details. What I have noticed over the last several weeks is I am getting small nudges, and every time I act on the nudge, I get more clarity on my next move.

Whether that random song I was thinking about is a sign or not, in that moment, I felt good about the path I was on. 

It is ok to not know your next move. However when an idea comes you have to take action. 

Why would you be trusted with the masterplan if the small details are to much for you? 
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