Everything is nearly set on the night before Christmas. We have one gift that needs to be wrapped and placed under the tree.
Christmas looked different this year. To make this holiday feel as normal as possible, I took traditions from our extended families and brought them to our house.
We had warm ham sliders on King Hawaiian rolls. A crowd favorite that my children love and missed this year.
We played Alvin in the Chipmucks while eating dinner. A record from my granny.
Instead of cookie loaded with sugar, we made mocktails loaded with sugar. Hey, this event happens once a year. And once the mocktails were gone, they were gone.
No cookies lying around for days. I saw that as a win.
Both sides of our familes love to play games. Therefore ffter dinner we played Pictionary.
We finished the night watching a Christmas movie, The Smurfs.
The evening ends. Cookies and milk ready; everyone sleeps.
It’s time to discuss the final gift.
Many people know Curtis has the oddest sleep routine. It is normal for him to wake up at 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning. I figured this would play in my favor. I reminded him that the one present he had stashed away needed to be wrapped and placed under the tree. I showed him where the “right paper” was.
Off to sleep, I go. Knowing he will wake up earlier enough to finish the one task.
Around 1:30, I woke up and Santa arrived, leaving the presents under the tree. Santa enjoyed the cookies. Then off Santa went.
I crawled back into bed. Tossing and turning, until I heard the pitter patter of little feet.
Darcee “woke” me up, stating her throat hurt. I gave her a few suggestions and off she went.
Eventually, she was off to sleep again. I laid there, tossing and turning. Falling back to sleep was impossible for me. Expecting Curtis to wake up soon, I was hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep before the day kicked off.
Several hours passed; Curtis remained asleep. He sleeps soundly this morning. I must tend to the remaining present, as he remains asleep.
Prior to explaining the outcome, I must confess that I have no idea where this gift is. It is freezing outside. Oh, and the present weighs roughly 50 pounds. The dimension of the box is 35.6 inches length x 19.8 inches width x 10.5 inches height. This is going to be fun!

Curtis did moved the box to where it was easily visible. I wrapped the present. It wasn’t easy. Remember, this box is big and bulky. It was time for me to take the box inside and place it under the tree.
At night, Darcee relocated to sleeping on the living room couch. The room, beside the front door!!!! How much harder is this going to get? I can’t use the back door. There are too many stairs to climb and the back door squeaks.
I don’t know how I managed to bring the present to the front door. I almost dropped it on my foot by the front porch. Once I made it to the door, I quietly make it into the house. From there it was smooth sailing, getting the present to the tree.
My last obstacle, I know Darcee was up after Santa came. She likely checked what gifts lay beneath the tree. I need to hide this enormous box. Significant changes are impossible; she’s familiar with the room.
Thankfully, Curtis pulled out the train, and the box was still around the tree. This served as ideal box concealment.
With everything ready and the time of day, I choose not to return to bed but rather sit and work on my computer, eagerly anticipating the awakening of everyone to kickstart the magic.