Ask and You Shall Receive
I am a firm believer you learn lessons when you are ready to accept the outcome. He prepares the way but uiltimately you have to take the lead. Also, you never know who will open your eyes. This story is an encounter I had while buying groceries at our local Publix.
I was at the grocery store checking out; the cashier told me my total.

I don’t remember the exact total, but it was over $100.

I handed the cashier the $100 bill, and while I was counting out the rest, the cashier started talking to the $100 bill I just handed her.

When I handed her the $100, her first comment was… Hello, Ben Franklin!

Why have you not been visiting my house lately? I would love to see you more often. She carried on a complete conversation while I was counting out the rest of the money. My first thought was, this lady is crazy. Honestly, what she said to the money intrigued me and distracted me slightly.

I wanted to hear how she was boldly stating what she wanted. Speaking of her desires to the universe and asking God to send her what she asked for. She clearly wanted more $100 bills at home.

As I was walking out, I could not help but think maybe she was onto something.

When do we complain to the world about our situation but fail to ask for what we need from him?

It sounds wild, but directness, similar to a cashier’s, might be necessary when expressing our needs. You can not receive the gifts if no one knows what you need.

I am not implying that the scripture solely focuses on money, or other worldly things. Nor that we should only speak to him in regards to money. Yet, her actions at that moment opened my eyes to opportunites to ask for his help and guidance. 

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