Day 19 of the Oola Challenge: Passion

Day 19 of the Oola Challenge: Passion
Today is all about the next Oola Accelerator, passion.

Here is the question that we want you to answer in today’s challenge:

What is something that you are so passionate about that you would dedicate every waking moment to achieving it?

For us, sharing the Oola Lifestyle Framework is something we live and breathe every day. We are passionate about letting the world know that they don’t have to settle for an ordinary life when extraordinary is within them. Our passion is sharing Oola.

Today’s challenge will push you outside of your comfort zone on purpose. Once you answer the question we initially asked, we want you to declare it. Post what you are passionate about on Facebook, Instagram, the staff lunch room, the Starbucks community wall or on the fridge for your family and friends to see.

“I am passionate about ______________.”

By going public, you are pushing away your fear, releasing your passion and declaring what inspires you. Let’s be each other’s biggest fans as we begin to live the life we dream of and deserve.
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Day 18 of the Oola Challenge: Integrity

Day 18 of the Oola Challenge: Integrity
Are you ready to dive into today’s challenge? It’s time to learn about the fourth Oola Accelerator—integrity.

Do you ever feel like you put so much of yourself into something or someone that you start losing a little bit of who you are?

 Often the more dedicated you feel, the more you sacrifice, which can lead to imbalance. In your journey to Oola, don't put everything into your dream and forget about balancing your life.

Today’s challenge is to schedule and commit to doing two small acts of balance this week.

If you've stopped hanging out with your friends so you can work more, schedule a coffee date with a friend. If you find yourself skipping the gym to catch up on emails, complete a workout. Write down your commitments and keep yourself accountable. Don’t forget to stay true to yourself. Set goals that promote personal growth, but set them in steps that are realistic so you create a culture of winning.
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Your Success And Growth Is Yours #personaldevelopment

Your Success And Growth Is Yours #personaldevelopment

Someone tried to take credit for my hard work…

I am coming out of my comfort zone…. 

I am the captain on my own ship and only I can take the steps needed to walk outside the lines of my own comfort.

If you know me personally...

Some of you know me as the girl who says what she thinks, and then wished she didn’t say that. Other’s know me as the quiet people-pleasing girl who keeps her opinions to herself, and just rolls with it. 


Normalize Mental Health

Normalize Mental Health

Can we please for the love of human mankind, Normalize mental health. 

I am so tired of hearing kids suffer with this problem. A problem that oftentimes we have the opportunity to course correct. 

We as adults don’t talk about our emotions and feelings. Which not only hurts us,(that’s a whole other subject.) But harms our children more so. 

Teenagers, hell people in general, don’t feel like they can seek or ask for help for fear of being teased, called weak, or people thinking they are crazy. When in reality talking to someone is the best self-care there is. 

health and wellness, family, emotions,

5 Tips For Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

5 Tips For Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

Emotionally healthy children perform better in school, typically find more success as adults, and tend to lead happier lives. They can be happy and fulfilled as they grow up. 

Emotionally healthy children grow up to be adults who can process their emotions and feelings.  

When we can teach our children that their emotional and mental well being are just as important as their physical well being we have the opportunity to make generational changes for the future. 

health and wellness, balance, family,
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