What self-sabotage and procrastination looks like

What self-sabotage and procrastination looks like
My goal today was to finish the design work for a book. And send it in for a quote. 

 Sounds pretty exciting, right. 

Well, not really. I am not sure how to make all the pieces work together. And instead of sitting down and getting my act together, I found all kinds of other things to do. 

I get my computer out and start to open my folders, and my phone rings. It is a good friend that I haven't talked to in a few weeks. So of course I answered it. 
self-care, blockers, Oola,

Finding your courageous yes

Finding your courageous yes

Find that courageous yes and Fight for that confident no!

When I first read that statement I was screaming hell yes! But then I had to do a self check and wondered why I typically settle for the wishy washy yes. 

You know what I mean. The yes that you say when you really would rather say no, but for whatever reason you cave and say yes anyways. 

No more! Our time has come to own our decisions and roll with what we decide.

mom life, self-care,

One Year Later and The Big Change

One Year Later and The Big Change
WOW, the transformation one year makes when you are at the right table. 

Ya know that feeling where you aren't sure if where you are is where you are suppose to be? Like ya just don't "fit" in? And no clue why you feel that way?

I have been there. And if we are being honest still have my days.  


Your Success And Growth Is Yours #personaldevelopment

Your Success And Growth Is Yours #personaldevelopment

Someone tried to take credit for my hard work…

I am coming out of my comfort zone…. 

I am the captain on my own ship and only I can take the steps needed to walk outside the lines of my own comfort.

If you know me personally...

Some of you know me as the girl who says what she thinks, and then wished she didn’t say that. Other’s know me as the quiet people-pleasing girl who keeps her opinions to herself, and just rolls with it. 


Focus On Being Extraordinary

Focus On Being Extraordinary

“Don’t settle for ordinary when extraordinary is within you.”  

I love this simple quote from The OolaGuys—authors Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl—who remind us that we were designed by God for greatness. Each of us is here for a specific purpose.  

If you’ve lost sight of your dreams or are going through a rough patch, remember that where you are now is not where you’re destined to stay. Tell yourself daily, This is just where I am. It’s not who I am. 

Oola, The Power Of Focus
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