Wow, 2020 and friends…
I know I could not have made it through 2020 without my friends.
Between Virtual Zoom Coffee date, trading bad memes through Facebook Messenger, the numerous check-in texts, and my favorite the drive-in girls night outs, sitting in our trunks sharing dinners and secrets all while staying 6 feet apart.
My friends definitely brought me a huge sense of normalcy and stability to a very wacky and strange year.
Yes, my friend circle shrank this year, but I wouldn’t trade any amount of money for the friends that stuck around.
Did your friendships survive 2020?
Were you motivated to get closer to friends or did you allow some close friends to slip away? Hey, no excuses here, be totally honest with yourself.
If you made goals to get together with friends more often in 2020- but those meetups just weren’t possible - it’s time to rededicate yourself to your friends in the coming year.
Instead of wrapping one more present this holiday season, why not wrap up your list with phone calls/texts with friends instead?
Close and supportive friendships are part of living a life of more balance, less stress, and greater purpose. They help us navigate life’s ups and downs. If you have always had a friend in your corner that you didn’t reach out to too often this year, now is your time to do so before 2020 ends.
Be sure to let them know how much you love and value their friendships so that when 2021 rolls around they are still in your life.
So how else can you prepare for 2021 ups and downs? That is easy: work on finding balance in every area of your life by joining me for a 10-week Oola Coaching Experience.
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I am here to help you. Together we can make sure you have a plan and stay disciplined-with new habits and behaviors that propel you towards your goals.
As I have mentioned before, the Oola Coaching Program is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 -weeks. I would be delighted to privately coach you through the process.
Message me here to set up a 15-minute discovery call to be sure we are a good fit.
To learn more about the 10-week Coaching session click here