The Path To Happiness
The path that connects our two houses together, and gives the children a safe way to walk between the two. 

The path that leads to the home made swing set under the big tree. Built with love and the hands of an 80 year old man who loved you dearly, grandaddy. 

The path that leads to a freezer full of ice cream. Followed by a soda on the side. Or both mxed together to create an ice cream float. 

A path where nothing comes before snuggles and play time. 

The houe where baskets are filled with toys that were hand selected based on your preference. The house that has every old Disney VHS take you can imagine.
The path that leads to Wednesday night dinners. 

I realize not everyone can live close to or right beside family members. Our choice 19 years ago was undoubtedly the best decision we ever made. 

Allowing our children to grow up with the flexibilty of being able to walk down the hill and visit their grandparents is priceless. 

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