Did 2020 Hijack Your Fitness Goals-Let's Wrap Em up

Did 2020 Hijack Your Fitness Goals-Let's Wrap Em up

I think it is safe to say that 2020 was a year that many people were focused on their health.

Were you?  

While many people were busy social distancing and stockpiling, many people overlooked other health conditions, zoned out or skipped their workouts altogether,  rationalized work-at-home snacking, and saw their stress levels skyrocket. 

personal development, life coach, mindset, health and wellness, life,

2020 Ain't Over Yet-How Are You Ending This Year

2020 Ain't Over Yet-How Are You Ending This Year
I know most people are ready for 2020 to be over with. Tossed to the side like it never happened, but can I offer up a suggestion? Go back and count your blessings & accomplishments. Take inventory of the things in your life.  I am sure many good things, if not great things happened to you this year. They have just been overlooked by all the distractions going on.
personal development, life, decisions, coaching,

Ending A Friendship

Ending A Friendship

Relationships are a two-way street. That includes all types of relationships. Marriages, relationships with parents. Relationship with siblings. Or a relationship with friends. 

It takes both parties working together in order for a relationship to work. If you are the only person in the relationship constantly working towards making this relationship work. It is possible the other person doesn't value this friendship in the same manner that you value the friendship.

And that is perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong with the other person not having the same level of dedication to the relationship as you.

life, relationships,

What is toxic postivity and Why it is unhealthy

What is toxic postivity and Why it is unhealthy

There is this false narrative floating around that we need to be happy all the time. 

We are being told we can't just sit back and process a unique, difficult, or bad situation. Instead, people are telling us we need to find the good. Search out the blessing. Or worse, just get over it. 

relationships, mindset, emotional health, mental health

Do You Strip Your Clothes?

Do You Strip Your Clothes?

STOP, and get your mind out of the gutter. I am talking about laundry stripping. 

Have you ever heard of laundry stripping?

The first time I heard about it was back in March. I thought it was kind of silly. To me, it sounded like it was just like soaking your clothes using the soak cycle on your washing machine. But a lot more work.

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