On The Hard Days
On the days where it feels too hard to face the world, just do one thing. 

Get up, and change your clothes - get out of your pajamas, sleep clothes, or lounge clothes. 

Stand in the shower - no need to wash your body or hair. Just stand under the water. 

Sit outside for 10 minutes - soak up the sun and breath some fresh air. 

Go outside - rub your bare feet over the grass. Makes circles, or straight lines, it doesn’t matter - just connect your feet with the ground. 

Brush your teeth or your hair - you do not need to get fully ready

Drink a glass of water - squeeze a glass of water between your other beverage choices. No need to drink half your body weight in water, one glass is a great start. 

Lay flat on the floor with your legs on the wall. - lay there and breathe

Take a warm bath filled with Epsom salts - sit still and soak. 

A bath too much? Soak your feet then. 

When the days feel long and heavy, just be. Focus on doing one thing. 

Doing just one thing can help you make it through the day. You are worth the fight. 

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