Be Still
I hear I am tired day in day out. 

I hear I am burned out daily.

I hear religion, I have tried that before and it didn't work out.

I hear people claim they are to busy to rest.

We fill our days being slaves to the world. Chasing all the the wrong things. And all the wrong people.

We have bought into the lie that we must do more and give more. If we have anything left we haven't given enough. 

I challenge you to be different, learn how to rest. It will feel odd at first. Your body and mind will be screaming at you to go and do. But resist the urge. 

The change you are seeking is found in the stillness. The words you are listening for can't be heard over the noise. Healing is found in the quiet. 

Be still and the comfort and love you desire will find you!

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