If you haven't heard the news, I fired my old primary care physician. To read the whole story check out this blog post, I fired my primary care physician.
Finding a new doctor is no easy task. Even harder when you deal with doctors' offices on a daily basis. You learn which offices are always behind, never return calls, how efficient they are and how competent the staff is. This can be a good thing or a really bad thing. But my mind was made up I was ready for a change.
The most empowering thing I have learned on my journey to wellness and abundance is that I deserve more. That I have the power, That I will not settle for a mediocre life. I want excellence and I will search until I find it.
Or, until my insurance company kicks me to the curb because I am costing them too much money. 🤨 Health and wellness is an investment. And I know I am worth it. So I will search until I am happy.
My husband encouraged me to reach out to his doctor's office. He has been seeing this doctor for about one year and has been happy. I figured what have I got to lose. I called and made an appointment.
Being a new patient I did have to wait several weeks before I could get in. Now I had plenty of time to work myself up into a tizzy. I dislike change and hate doing new things by myself. Great double whammy.
I will be honest in that my first visit to this new office I was not impressed. I was uncomfortable and nervous. Everything seemed wrong. Of course, I was comparing it to the only thing I knew.
I meet with the Nurse Practioner to go over my medical history, see what I was wanting from her, and where we wanted to go from there. At this point, I still wasn't sure if I made the right choice. My anxiety was through the roof.
When she asked why was I there, I literally thought I was going to die. I told her at that point. what happened with my last doctor and how I felt she wasn't listening to me. I told her I was discouraged that I could not lose weight no matter what I did.
I made sure to tell her I feel ok, but I want to feel great.
To my surprise one of the first words out of her mouth was, I want to test your Estrogen Levels. I sat there for a minute wondering if I heard her right. She wrote up a list of labs that she wanted to run and had me schedule a follow-up appointment for two weeks later to review my results.
The two weeks leading up to that appointment were nerve-wracking. Even though this new doctor was a Doctor of Osteopathic I just knew she was going to try and load me down with prescription drugs. That was the last thing I wanted.
Let me say right here, I am not against prescription drugs. I just believe they are overprescribed. I also believe it all starts with just one drug and the next thing you know you are taking twenty drugs. Trust me, I see this daily in my job at the pharmacy.
Let me get back on track- To my surprise, my follow up appointment was better than I could have ever imagined. I was nervous and sick over nothing.
My results were my cholesterol was high, including my total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL. My estrogen levels were surprisingly in range, with my progesterone a little low. But here was the kicker, my insulin was HIGH. Like normal range is 2-19.6 and my insulin level was 29.3😲 Say what? No wonder I didn't feel great. By the way, my A1C is good. 😉
Instead of offering me a prescription for Metformin, her first reaction was: I would really like to work on getting your insulin number down, how do you feel about taking some Cinnamon or Turmeric? Both supplements have shown to have positive results in lowering insulin numbers. It was at the moment I knew I made the right decision.
I went home with a better attitude and ready to see how the next 6 months would unfold.

I decided after lots of research that I would try to take these two supplements every day for the next 6 months. At that time I would then compare both sets of results to see if there is any change.
Stay tuned for the journey.