Deep Rooted Insecurities
All of your insecurities are rooted in past experiences. You are not the only person walking around with a bag full of insecurities. Everyone has them. 

Some people hide them better than others, and some let those doubts consume them.
Depending on how deep those roots run, it can be hard to overcome them. You feel like you are trapped, maybe even suffocating. It can be hard and confusing to know there is anything good about you. You are lost in the darkness seeking light. 

Know you are full of goodness, and the voices in your head won't allow you to see it. You have allowed the volume to be turned up too long. 

Today, I challenge you to plant kind and hopeful words in the people who cross your path. Take a few minutes and highlight what you love about that person. Tell them what their strengths are, and do so often. Brag on them! Connect with people. 

Be thoughtful with your responses and encourage them with your words. We are rebuilding a kingdom of hurt people who don't trust easily.

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