Homemade Chocolate Syrup
This recipe is so easy, you will never buy chocolate syrup again. 

Here is what you need:
1 Cup Water
2 Cups Sugar
1/3 Cup Cocoa Powder
1 TBSP Vanilla 
1 TBSP Butter

In a medium sauce pan combine the water, sugar and cocoa powder. Bring this mixture to a boil. Allow the mixture to boil for 3 minutes. Keep your eyes on your sauce. It will boil over, FAST. (I may be speaking from experience.) 

Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and butter. Allow your syrup to cool. If your syrup is not think enough add a little cornstarch. 

Add your homemade chocolate sauce to ice cream, brownies, you have endless possibilites. 

Let me know how you use your chocolate syrup. 
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