All The Ways I Say I Love You
I know you tire of hearing me say; I love you every time you walk away. 

When you aren’t reminded that people love you, it is easy to forget who is in your corner. 

I hope you know how much I love you. Always and Forever. There is nothing you can ever do that will change my love for you. I may be disappointed for a minute. But I will also love you! 

I may not always use the words I love you. Sometimes it may be an action. 

Here is a small list of all the ways I say I love you. 

When you are home:
Cooking your favorite foods. 
Having a home cooked meal. 
Sitting at the dinner table together.
Being home when you came home from school. 
Driving you to school and picking you up in the afternoon. 
Walking by and messing with your hair. 
Hugging you while telling you I love.
Rubbing Your Back. 
Take a shower! 
Your clothes need to be washed. They stink! 
Watching a TV show with you. 
Playing a video game. Even when I know you are going to laugh at how bad I play. 
Making sure you feel safe. 
Ensuring you have all your needs met. (Which may be identifed by asking lots of questions.) 

When you are walking out the door,
Have fun! 
Be careful! 
Hey remember the roads are wet. 
There is water on the road. 
See ya when you get home. 

When you come home:
I stay awake until you make it home. 
How was your day?
What did you do today? 
Who did you hang out with? 
I have a plate in the fridge or microwave for you. 

When doubt creeps in reflect back on our time together. 

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