Long Travel Day That Went Nowhere
We have been "traveling" for @ 20 hours at this point.

We have made it as far as Atlanta, twice!!!! 

We left ATL at 5 pm yesterday only to return to ATL at 8pm due to storms in FL. 

We have broke many records on this leg of the trip...
1) most flight plans changed while sitting at the gate before take off.....5 different plans
2) most circles taken while in a holding pattern.
3) farthest holding from final destination per the pilot. (He has never seen that before)
4) fastest burn through of "extra" gas. (Pilot joked, we had enough to get to Europe before take off)
5) most flight changes once our original flight was officially canceled.  I think we are at 6 now
6) running on 2 hours of sleep.  
7) fast stroll through TSA @ ATL. - With no fastpass.

Best attitude of all the customers in ATL
The day didn't go as planned, and today isn't off to a great start either BUT.....
We will make the best of it. Keep a good attitude.  Maybe spread some positivity and a few laughs. 
Remember to be kind to everyone. 
If you pray, send a few prayers up for the Delta employees on the front lines they are getting beaten up.

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