Adventures in Icy Strait
Icy Strait is the “wild” Alaska, know for having the highest concentration of wild bears anywhere in the world. We hoped to see one while we were there. Icy Strait is the least commericalized ports we visited.  

While at Icy Strait keep your eye open. Coastal brown bears make random appearances for some lucky visitors. Or you may spot a humpback whale. 

Once you step foot on land, you have the option of where you want to spend your day. 

If you take the green Gondola, aka cable car, you will ride through the treetops to the top of the shopping and eating area. To ride the Red Gondola, it cost you $49 round trip. However, once you arrive at the top, you have breathtaking views and access to the world’s fastest zip line. 

Whether you pick green or red, be prepared to wait in the line. The Gondola’s can seat 8 people, but there is usually a long line. If you prefer, the Green Gondola route has a hiking trail you can take. It is about 1-mile trail to the top. 

My family hinking up the trail

We opted for the Green Gondola. We hiked the trail to the top and rode the Gondola down. 

A top of the mountain is shopping, food, and entertainment. A beautiful shoreline, where you can sit and skip rocks. Or settle in to see if you can spot a humpback whale.


 We even saw a whale!

hump back whale - statue

We also spotted a bald eagle. Being from Tennessee, we see bald eagles often. But it never gets old. 

bald eagle sitting in a tree

It seemed we stepped back in time. The native people are trying to keep the history of this town alive. Inside the shop, there was a setup of old fish equipment. 

old fish factory equipment

Outside was some old deep sea fishing equipment. 

deep ses fishing cages

The theather wasn’t operational that day. Likely due to the rain. Stomaches started growling so back to the ship we go. 

We rode the Gondola back down the mountain for the experience. The views from above were priceless. Added bonus the line was short and it was raining. 

Insider tip, while the ship is porting and leaving port, grab a seat near the window. You may see marine life. 

family playing games sitting by a window as we pull out of port

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