Signs - Gifts - Opportunities -

Signs - Gifts - Opportunities -
Are you watching for them?

I believe someone, (God, Universe, Spirit, Source) gifted us with the ability to see signs. Or messages, if you will.

Today I was supposed to be in Nashville with my friends and Oola family. Intentionally deciding on what areas of my life I desire to focus on next year.

Instead, this year, I will stand beside my dad today as he says goodbye to the love of his life one last time. A love that is better than any Disney Princess story ever told.

And yes we know...
She is already in a better place.
She is with us always and forever in our hearts.

This is what I find interesting about this past week. Or several weeks, if I am being honest.

A concept that I have struggled with is just being.
Being present. My mind goes 100 mph, most of the time. And it is exhausting. I stay in planning or managing mode. Wondering what my next move is? Or the next 10 moves.

This past week, however, I chose to slow down and be present. In doing so, I could see so many signs/messages that everything was working out in due time.

I am a stubborn learner. I sometimes need to learn things the "hard" way in order for them to stick with me. So I find it interesting that the biggest take away I have learned is to slow down and be present. The very weekend I was supposed to be deciding on how to spend my time next year.

If you are one of the lucky people who can learn from others' mistakes, then my suggestion to you is...

Put your phone down and get to know the people around you.
Look to the sky...unless you're the one driving.
Turn off the tv and talk.
Laugh and then laugh some more.
Food brings people together.
Be still, listen to the messages coming through to your heart & soul.

I challenge you to slow down and keep a journal of all the messages, signs, blessings, or gifts you are gifted each day.
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The Power Of Showing Up

The Power Of Showing Up
Sometimes there are no "right" words to say.

We spent so much energy trying to find the "right" thing to say we miss the opportunity to just be.

Instead of looking for words, comfort may look like..

Just being present enough.
A gentle touch that says I see you.
Shared tears
Hugging one another
Leaning on each other
Laughter through the pain

Never underestimate the power of you just showing up! And not saying a word! 
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Limiting Beliefs and the Weight They Carry

Limiting Beliefs and the Weight They Carry
I can't drive in the rain....

That is a limiting belief I have carried for many years.

When I started driving, I had 2 car wrecks in a short period of time. Both wrecks occurred while driving in the rain.

For years, I believed that because I had 2 wrecks in the rain, I was not a good driver in the rain.

I allowed those limiting beliefs to hold onto me for 20+ years.

Reality is over time, I grew up, gained more skills and knowledge that allowed me to be a better driver...even in the rain.

But I let those pesky thoughts keep me from seeing my truth.

Today, I drove in heavy rain and fog for over 100 miles.

I wasn't anxious like I used to be. And that is when it occurred to me that when it rains, I let my mind tell me, I am not a good driver in the rain. But it is giving me outdated information.

Yes, in my first year or two of driving I had 2 wrecks in the rain. But in the last 23 years, I have had zero wrecks in the rain.

The truth is I have become a better driver and as much driving in the rain isn't my favorite thing, I can do it.

This is a story about how one limiting belief has played over and over in my mind for years. Something as simple as driving in the rain.

Can you even imagine the limiting beliefs that you are carrying around with you based off out of date information?

Take a minute and think of a belief you choose to challenge.

Then ask yourself is this the truth all the time. I can't wait for you to see the new possibilities available to you.
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Types of Intimacy You Need In Your Relationship

Types of Intimacy You Need In Your Relationship
When the word intimacy comes up, most people automatically think of a physical or sexual relationship. 

However, when we look at what the word intimacy means, we can see that multiple types of relationships fall into that category. The most overlooked type is the emotional connection. 

At the core, the word simple means being close, personal association, or belonging to. 


Self-Care 101 - Pamper Yourself

Self-Care 101 - Pamper Yourself
Go ahead… treat yourself to a little pampering! 

There is an old saying you can't pour from an empty cup and that is so true. 

You have to refill your inner self before you can continue to give your best to others.
self-love, relationships,
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