Go ahead… treat yourself to a little pampering!
There is an old saying you can't pour from an empty cup and that is so true.
You have to refill your inner self before you can continue to give your best to others.
Read more...My goal today was to finish the design work for a book. And send it in for a quote.
Sounds pretty exciting, right.
Well, not really. I am not sure how to make all the pieces work together. And instead of sitting down and getting my act together, I found all kinds of other things to do.
I get my computer out and start to open my folders, and my phone rings. It is a good friend that I haven't talked to in a few weeks. So of course I answered it.
The difference between the “winners” and the people who feel stuck is one simple tool.
The “winners” have mastered their limiting beliefs.
What is a limiting belief?
A limiting belief is an idea or thought that has appeared in your head that doesn’t have your highest self in mind. Your mind is trying to keep you safe.
Read more...For the woman who feels inadequate because social media has her mind so jacked up-- take a break and remember not everything you see is real.
For the mom who is scrolling through social media and drools over another
Read more...The mind is a powerful thing. We don’t always realize the impact our thoughts can have.
When you look in the mirror, what thoughts come to mind? Do you find the flaws and focus on them?