Change One Thing- Change Your Life

Change One Thing- Change Your Life

If you could change one thing about your life today that would positively impact all your tomorrows, what would it be ?

Have you thought about it?

 Would it be:

• Getting slim and healthy so you can keep up with your kids and enjoy life for the first time in years?

• Moving on from a toxic workplace to a fulfilling job you’re passionate about?

• Reaching your first $100,000 in a retirement account?

• Paying off your credit card debts or student loans?

• Some other goal?

mindset, life,

Wrap Up Fun- Make Fun Plans For 2021

Wrap Up Fun- Make Fun Plans For 2021

For most people, 2020 wasn’t a whole lot of fun. I am one of the weirdos that didn't see 2020 as a failure. It was a good year for me. 

Aside from the need to plan ahead and be careful, we had to master some new skills and vocabulary like “social distancing” and “flatten the curve”  

life, relationships. personal development

Wrap Up Your Faith Goals

Wrap Up Your Faith Goals

This December, more than any other year, we’re reminded of the importance of faith. 

As the world in 2020 stumbles through one crisis after another, did you set some personal goals in 2020 for strengthening your faith walk?

For instance, did you plan to start a daily Bible study or join an online small group, or get connected to a faith community for the first time in years? 

relationships, life, family

Wrap Up Your Career Stress

Wrap Up Your Career Stress

Here’s a question for ya: do you want the same job in 2021 that you had in 2020? 

Was job stress (or even job loss) at the top of your list of worries this past year?  

relationships. life, family

Wrap Up Your Finances

Wrap Up Your Finances

Holiday spending often leads to bigger bills in January. But have you thought about rolling into 2021 with finances that are solid, a budget, you can follow and laser-beam focus on getting out of debt? 

In a recent post, I talked about wrapping up 2020 so you can create the life you want next year.  But for too many people, “wrapping up” their finances in December means ignoring their credit limit, spending too much, and saying “I’ll get to it” when it comes to eliminating debt. 

Stop being a slave to money and debt. That’s not cool. 

finances, life, relationships.
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