How to make your own Play Dough
This was so insanely simple, I kick myself for not doing this sooner. Literally less than 10 minutes!
DIY Play Dough 

• 2 cups flour
• 1 cup of salt
• 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
• 1 tablespoon oil
• 2 cups cold water
• A few drops of any essential oil
• Food coloring, optional

In a medium saucepan mix flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, and water together. Stir over medium heat for about 5 minutes, until play dough has reached the right consistency.

Let cool, split into 3 balls, and knead in essential oils and optional food coloring until it is distributed evenly throughout each ball of play dough. My favorite essential oils to add to my kids are Peace and Calming or Lavender.

Here are some great ideas on how to use the play dough. Store a small amount in your purse or bag, when your kids are getting bored, fussy, or just need a distraction give them the ball and allow them to play with the play dough. Not only have you distracted them, but the essential oils are being absorbed into their skin! WIN-WIN for mom! Another I use is if my little one is having a hard time winding down, then we play with some playdough before bath/bed, again getting those oils into her skin so they can start working their magic.

Store in an airtight container. Enjoy and I hope you have lots for fun playing.

Don't have essential oils, that's alright click here and let's get you started.

What essential oils are you going to try in your playdough?
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