Well, 6 months have passed and it is time to go back to my new doctor to have my lab work done. I am excited to see if my choice of supplements changed anything.
I had to go to the doctors and get my blood drawn for my lab work. I am not a fan of needing to get blood drawn.
I am not scared of the needle. My problem is my veins are so small, 1) it is hard for the technician to find the vein and make contact the first time. 2) it is painful since many times they can't find the vein in my arm they end up pulling blood out of my hand.
And, before you say this. Yes, I do know the trick of drinking LOTS of water days before you go.
This time the two weeks between appointments were nerve whacking in a different way. I was excited to see the results. I knew I felt better but wanted to see what changed.
Well, finally the results are in.
The doctor glanced over my results and told me I was doing good and everything was headed in the right direction and that was about it. When I asked her about my A1C, she told me she didn't retest that, and why she didn't order that test.
Side note- My main goal over the last 6 months was to lower my A1C. However, since my A1C was in the normal range the insurance company won't pay for a retest. See I am no pro at this stuff yet.
The doctor asked me why was I focused on my A1c? I told her I thought that if I lowered my A1C then my insulin number would go down and hence I would start feeling better and losing weight.
It was at this point the whole office visit changed and the light bulb went off. The look on her face was priceless. Let's just say that my doctor's jaw hit the floor when she reviewed my "numbers" Her next reaction was, let's start all over from the top.
We went line by line on the tests she did order and on everything she tested I improved on. Including my cholesterol and insulin levels. Thank you for the added energy.
So my total cholesterol went from 205 (H) down to 193- in range. My triglycerides went from 323(H) to 193(H). NON-HDL Cholesterol 162 (H) to 141(H). But the item that got her attention the most was my insulin numbers. My insulin was 29.3 (H) and now it is 12.5 in range.
Peeps this is six months of taking two plant-based supplements every day. Holler this is losing weight through the Holidays. Peeps this is losing inches through the Holidays. But the most important peeps this is about feeling better.
Doing this naturally and with products that are nourishing to the body and not harmful. This is something I can keep doing as long as I want to without fear of harmful side effects.
I can not encourage you enough, if you don't feel great, talk to your doctor. If that doesn't work maybe you need to find someone that will listen to you. Remember when I started out I thought I was healthy other than some high cholesterol.
I can't imagine how different my life would be if I never started taking control of my health as my life depended on it.
Stay tuned and I will continue to update.